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DotaBuff — это сайт, основная цель которого состоит в том, чтобы помочь игрокам Dota 2 анализировать свои матчи и улучшить свою игру. Dota 2 High MMR Pub Meta, Top Item Builds & Top Skill Builds for 7.35d. Match History and Livegames of High MMR Players and Pros like Arteezy, Miracle, Ame, TOPSON, Ana and Yatoro. Find out how to. DotaBuff совместно с , сделали коллабу и оформили свою приложуху аналинайзер.

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This means that in addition to a Personal Profile, they are also allowed the ability to see more detailed data on their matches and performance. It also helps players set personal goals on how they wish to improve in the game. How Does This Work? Each of the heroes on Dota 2 has its ranking list.

This Ranking list has all the qualifying players that use said hero constantly. How Do Users Find the Rankings? Rankings are available for every hero in the game. The service will then compare the item timings with various pros and show you the comparison before following it with the farm statistics. However, OpenDota also allows players to see the matches of professional players, as well as their stats. Finally, OpenDota allows users to download the matches that they want to see and analyze for themselves, which is a great training tool if you want to improve in Dota 2. An example of this are the videos about creep cutting and blocking for Dota 2, skillshot videos on the League of Legends part of their website, aim help videos on Valorant and CS: GO, and others.

What makes Phoenix a powerful support? You gain charges if you kill enemies or if they die in an AoE near you. It also offers passive evasion and stats from Sange for Phoenix. It is an ideal item if you are facing hard-hitting physical damage the enemy carries. Veil of Discord - Upon usage, it amplifies the spell damage done to enemies in an AoE. It is not a common item on support heroes like Phoenix, but it is an ideal item against the heroes Force Staff - Pushes Phoenix or the targetted unit in the direction they are facing. It allows him to chase enemies or escape a sticky fight. Bloodseeker - His Rupture can turn Icarus Dive into a suicide option, and it cannot be dispelled, meaning even if Phoenix completes a Supernova, choosing to Dive may just cut its health back down. Crystal Maiden Crystal Maiden is the perfect support hero regardless of the meta. She can be picked in tandem with any carry hero and nine out of the ten times their lane combo will be victorious.

She has all the spells that her enemies hate! Everything from decent AoE damage to lockdown, there are ways to dominate the low magic-resistant heroes. Often, laning is a nightmare for her opponents as they are subjected to constant harassment, shoving them out of the lane. Crystal Maiden does her best when she has levels, making her more relevant as she can participate in teamfights. Crystal Maiden is by far, one of the least complex support heroes in the game, which explains her high pick rate, she can easily catch her enemies off-guard with her Frost Bite and unleash her Frost Nova on them. She is an exceptional laner, a dominant fighter, and all in all a great way to counter multiple heroes at once with her intense AoE damage. Her toolkit is highly lethal, it does not fall off no matter how late you are in the game. All it takes is one spell to catch unsuspecting enemies off-guard. What makes Crystal Maiden a powerful support? Impressive spells can be used to lock enemies down and deal damage right from the laning phase.

Her passive provides global mana regeneration, helping all her allied heroes with their mana regardless of their position on the map. Ultimate can be used in tandem with any ally who has crowd control abilities, allowing her to neutralize multiple enemies at once. This allows her to either escape from her foes or initiate on them, depending upon the scenario. Glimmer Cape - Upon cast, it provides invisibility, and can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on her enemies. Ghost Scepter - Upon usage, it makes Crystal Maiden immune to physical attacks while making her unable to attack at the same time. She also takes increased magical damage under its duration. Black King Bar - Provides spell immunity, making her invulnerable in the fight, immune to any spells that silence her. It can be used in tandem with her ultimate, Freezing Field. It also applies a basic dispel upon reaching the said threshold. Crystal Maiden is strong against: Terrorblade - While Terrorblade can kill Crystal Maiden due to her low durability with Reflection and Metamorphosis, Crystal Maiden can do the same to him if he is not careful.

Crystal Maiden is weak against: Doom - Doom alone can easily pick off Crystal Maiden since she is fairly fragile, even with using only basic attacks, Infernal Blade, and Scorched Earth. Since she is low health support, she generally stays behind in teamfights, but Earth Spirit can easily close the distance. Chen Chen is criminally underrated, as most players fear understanding his true potential. As overwhelming as it may sound, Chen is one of the best fighters and early-game pushers present in the game. Chen starts pretty slow in the early game, but with enough farm and levels can assist his allies in ganking and even solo-pushing the towers with his infamous zoo army, while they provide various auras to him and his team. Chen is a devastating entity in the late game, his spells are amplified further with his lethal talent tree. He is highly dominant, and can catch multiple enemies off-guard at once if he has the right creeps in his zoo! This immense flexibility proves Chen is an ideal fit regardless of the matchup. Chen is undoubtedly a favorable pick in the current meta. What Makes Chen powerful support?

Holy Persuasion converts jungle creeps into allied units controlled by Chen, allowing him to farm with them and further hit towers with them in the mid-game. The abilities and auras of the creeps can be highly useful while farming, fighting, or even pushing. Can build utility items, which provide armor, healing, and magic resistance. Chen can also be an impressive team fighter right from the early game with his controlled creeps. Top 5 Best End-Game Items for Chen Solar Crest - Solar Crest grants armor, attack speed, and movement speed to the targetted ally while reducing the same stats if used upon enemies. This makes it great against both magical and physical damage heroes. Pipe of Insight - Upon activation, it provides magic resistance to Chen and nearby allies, which is essential against spell-casting enemies as it reduces the magic damage that Chen and his allies take from their spells. The duration lasts for 12 seconds and can block up to 400 magic damage. Force Staff - Allows Chen to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction he is facing, it can be useful to catch or escape from enemies. Earthshaker - Echo Slam will deal immense damage due to the number of creeps Chen will have.

Pierce the Veil R переводит физический урон в магический, увеличивая его — в то время как сама Муэрта становится невосприимчива к физическим атакам. Да, героям с BKB или другим иммунитетом к магии это совсем не страшно. Но Black King Bar не действует вечно, и остановить вовремя включившуюся в тимфайт Муэрту банально нечем. К тому же ряд персонажей не любят магические атаки, хотя имеют защиту от физического урона: против таких новый герой как нельзя кстати. Покупка предметов Закуп на Muerta похож на итембилд большинства метовых керри, но с рядом особенностей.

Кроме того, многое зависит от ситуации, что особенно важно при выборе предметов для героя первой позиции. Но если против вас на линии оказывается активный кастер, на первые деньги лучше приобрести Magic Stick, который почти сразу можно загрейдить в Magic Wand. Из того, что нужно покупать обязательно, выделим Black King Bar. Даже если кажется, что против Муэрты мало неприятных способностей, это выглядит лучшим вариантом для грейда ульта. В теории можно купить и Linken Sphere, если против вас герой типа Beastmaster.

Вариант сборки от экс-керри Invictus Gaming Фото: Dotabuff Ещё важно понимать, что предметы должны бафать не только физический, но и магический урон. Для Muerta отлично подойдёт Gleipnir, крайне популярен и полезен Ethereal Blade. В начале игры можно купить как промежуточный айтем Falcon Blade или Witch Blade, не особенно популярные на керри.

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Dotabuff is presenting the data to players based on the information, data points, and other community sources, and the data you will get is entirely unique and personal. Valve не запрещает dotabuff и подобным сайтам собирать информацию, просто текущая конфигурация программного обеспечения WebAPI не удовлетворяет требованиям Elo. Но многие все еще пользуются сервисом DotaBuff, поскольку Дота Плюс еще далеко до функционала Дотабаффа.

Внимание: мидеры, про которых не стоит забывать!

He can also farm rather quickly, allowing him to translate into a more aggressive core-like playstyle if he acquires his items. Aether Lens - Increased cast range, can catch enemies off-guard with the increased range by using Telekinesis from a significant distance or even from the fog. Aeon Disk - Saves him from getting burst quickly from enemy spells and also applies a basic dispel, although it has an extremely high cooldown of 180 seconds. Force Staff - Allows you to force yourself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to escape or initiate on the enemies. Glimmer Cape - Provides invisibility, and can also be used on allies to escape or to initiate on the enemies. Bristleback - Rubick deals little damage on his own, and Bristleback can simply shrug off all his spells and chase Rubick down with his Quill Spray and the damage bonus from Warpath. Grimstroke This doomed artist has more than pain in his artwork, he paints with the blood of his slain foes. Grimstroke is primarily played in the support role and he is known for dealing high AoE magic damage and disabling his enemies.

His silence can quickly be combined with Ink Swell, which is a great way to initiate on his foes! His ultimate prevents them from escaping away or using any spells, essentially providing his team a way to beat down on him and secure the kill. With his long attack range, he can harass enemy heroes and secure ranged last hits for his carry. He also has a decent attack animation and damage, making it easier for him to last hit and deny creeps. Also, his movement speed is above average, which allows him to move around the map quickly and provide support to his teammates. Why is Grimstroke a powerful support? Grimstroke can use his ultimate in tandem with other heroes with powerful single-target spells, such as Lina or Lion, to deal massive damage to tethered enemies.

Grimstroke has decent mobility with his spells, allowing him to move around the map quickly and set up ganks or escape from dangerous situations. Upon expiration, the target will receive a strong dispel. The strong dispel is highly useful to save allies from harmful nerfs. Force Staff - Allows Grimstroke to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to escape or initiate on the enemies. Grimstroke is strong against Broodmother - Stroke of Fate can deal heavy damage to Broodmother and her spiders, and with enough spiders, it can kill her instantly. Shadow Demon - Disruption instantly removes Phantom Embrace, and can potentially save allies affected by Soulbind. Keeper of the Light You shall not pass, says the illuminating Keeper as he holds his ground against his menacing foes.

Keeper of the Light is back in the meta due to the recent buffs to his abilities, allowing him to deal more damage and sustain in the lane. His spells allow him to be played both as a core and as a support, allowing flexibility in his item, as well as skill, builds. If you manage to master this wise Keeper, you shall be allowed to pass into higher MMR ladders. KOTL has insane heals which can further save him or his allies during teamfights. The Keeper can be played both aggressively and defensively. He provides excellent lane control with his illuminating abilities that can clear waves of creeps and harass the enemy heroes. Why is Keeper of the Light a great support hero?

Keeper of the Light has an incredible amount of utility, with abilities that can both heal and damage enemies, as well as provide vision for his team. Keeper of the Light has great mobility and can quickly move around the map thanks to his ultimate, Spirit Form, which allows him to move through terrain and deal damage to enemies. KOTL can also provide mana to his teammates while also providing cooldown reduction, allowing them to spam abilities and stay active in fights. Items to buy on Keeper of the Light Force Staff - Allows Keeper of the Light to force himself or the targetted unit 600 units ahead in the direction they are facing, it can be useful to escape or initiate on the enemies. It is an ideal way to help your core heroes have an impact on the map instead of having them farm all the time. It also gives the vision to reveal where Broodmother is hiding in the trees. This makes him strong against pushing heroes.

Legion Commander - Duel can be used to instantly take Keeper of the Light out of a team fight. Nightstalker - Crippling Fear prevents Keeper of the Light from using his spells to keep his team alive during team fights. Io There are various mysterious entities in Dota but Io takes the cake for being the most mysterious. Is it a bulb, or is it a disco ball? We shall never know. All we know is that this ball of energy is powerful enough to turn the game around if he helps his allies on time! A perfect relocation can quickly turn the game around by saving your teammates or even by rating.

Io provides decent sustain right from the laning phase. Throughout the previous few patches, Io used to be a rare sight, but now you can see your pubs flooded with Io due to the buffs to his Tether and Relocate. Io as a support hero requires a lot of coordination and communication with the team. His abilities are mostly focused on helping and enabling his allies, rather than dealing damage or stunning enemies. This means that skilled Io players can make a huge impact on the game by positioning themselves well and making timely saves or ganks. However, this also means that playing Io effectively requires a team that understands how to work with it and take advantage of its abilities. Io is a high-risk, high-reward hero that can be a game-changer in the right hands.

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Однако киберспортсмены и аналитики сходятся в том, что Muerta наиболее эффективна на первой позиции, чуть менее полезна — на второй. Объяснить это просто: способности персонажа наносят урон, который можно увеличить покупкой дорогих предметов. Чтобы раскрыть свой потенциал, Муэрте нужен фарм — в теории подойдёт и мид-линия, но там обычно больше ценятся опыт и быстрая прокачка скиллов, чем золото и айтемы. Основной атрибут персонажа — интеллект, но при этом у персонажа ещё и высокий прирост ловкости три за один уровень , что тоже влияет на урон. Что касается статистических показателей, немного провисает лишь сила, но недостаток здоровья герой компенсирует тем, что становится почти неуязвим в ультимейте с Black King Bar. Характеристики Muerta в Dota 2 Фото: Dota2. Но в остальных случаях герой может безнаказанно наносить урон соперникам несколько секунд подряд, что тоже очень важно для керри. Из главных особенностей стоит выделить серьёзный магический урон с ультимейта, который делает Muerta уникальным керри. Да, это легко законтрить покупкой того же Black King Bar, но сама механика довольно любопытна и может помочь в отдельных ситуациях например, против Terrorblade и Morphling. Но это вовсе не говорит, что персонаж плохой. Причина в том, что поиграть на новом герое хотят все, не всегда понимая его сильных сторон это, кстати, происходит почти со всеми новыми персонажами. Как видим, винрейт растёт каждый день — люди банально лучше понимают героя Фото: Dotabuff Способности и прокачка Высокий урон Муэрты дополняют интересные спеллы. Dead Shot Q позволяет выпустить пулю по цели, атакуя и замедляя её.

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Илья Yatoro Мулярчук стал самым популярным игроком на Dotabuff

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