Новости яндере симулятор якудза

yandere, yandere sim, yandere simulator, yandere-chan, yanderedev. Требования Узнайте последние новости, обзоры и статьи об игре Yandere Simulator. Yandere Simulator (рабочее название; с англ. — «Симулятор яндэрэ») — находящаяся в разработке компьютерная игра в жанре стелс-экшен от третьего лица на движке Unity. The Yakuza) — персонаж в режиме 1980, который может предоставить Риобе Аиши различные услуги, включая устранение её соперниц.

Yakuza artwork bunch for [Yandere simulator] by MioKan-s on DeviantArt

Players must confront Osana in various ways, such as sabotaging her studies or spreading rumors about her. This creates a thrilling and intense rival dynamic that keeps players on their toes. Osana also presents players with several unique challenges. For example, she has a strong sense of justice and will not tolerate any bullying or violence.

If players are caught sabotaging her or trying to hurt her, she will confront them and demand an explanation. Players must be careful to avoid her wrath if they want to stay in her good graces. Overall, Osana is a unique character that adds a thrilling element to Yandere Simulator.

Through her presence, the game offers a unique set of challenges and thrills that keep players coming back for more. Unlocking the Secrets of Osana in Yandere Simulator — Strategies for Discovering the Ultimate Yandere Experience Osana Nakamura is an important character in Yandere Simulator, and unlocking her secrets is the ultimate goal of many players. But what strategies should Yandere Simulator fans use to discover the ultimate experience that Osana offers?

Osana is a transfer student who has recently arrived at Akademi High School. She is a powerful rival to Yandere-chan, and can eventually become her friend. Osana also has several secrets that can be revealed through game-play.

The best way to unlock the secrets of Osana is to build up an affinity with her. This can be done by talking to her and giving her gifts. Another strategy to uncover the secrets of Osana is to watch her interactions with other characters.

Osana has a variety of relationships, both positive and negative, with other characters in the game.

Disproportionate Retribution : She killed at least one of her classmates Canonically six for love, just like her daughter has the option to. Dissonant Serenity : Throughout the Basement Tapes, her voice is cheerful and giggly as she is talking to her kidnapped Senpai, and later when she plans to track down the Journalist. Think she looks like a normal, happy middle-aged woman? Does This Remind You of Anything? Emotionless Girl : Downplayed when compared to Ayano, but Ryoba has very little in the way of emotion: She gets annoyed with other girls for showing an interest in Jokichi, and is very nervous when it comes to confessing her feelings. Word of God also explains that Ryoba felt pity for her father, who was broken into an Empty Shell , and resolved to never go that far. Empty Eyes : The Journalist describes her peepers as soulless and doll-like. Even Evil Has Loved Ones : Despite how ruthless she is, she loves her husband and adores her daughter. Ayano is indifferent towards her, and her husband was forced to love her as an effect of Stockholm Syndrome.

Ryoba actually felt pity for him growing up, and made it a point to not break Jokichi completely. Say what you will about Ryoba, at least even she has her limits. Evil Cannot Comprehend Good : When her senpai tries to reason with her to let him free, she is confused on why kidnapping and tying someone to a chair, let alone murdering people for love, is morally questionable. Evil Matriarch : The Aishi clan is definitely a matriarchy, because its women kidnap, blackmail, and manipulate in order to literally "catch" a husband, whom they then terrify into submission. Evil Virtues : She has the same "Devoted" persona as her daughter. Generation Xerox : Not only is she a yandere like her daughter, her picture shows she looks exactly like Ayano, except older duh and, thanks to age and having a child, significantly more voluptuous. That they share a voice actress only further drives the point home. Genki Girl : An evil and rather creepy example, going by her interaction with her finally captured senpai in the pre-recorded tapes. Greater-Scope Villain : She is the reason the police are leery about investigating the school, after she humiliated the Buraza Town police department by convincing the whole world that she had been falsely accused due to bureaucratic incompetence in an internationally high-profile case. Giggling Villain : In Basement Tape 1, she giggles a lot out of girlish glee at finally being able to talk to her senpai.

Happily Married : Played with. While she is pretty happy she got together with her senpai, said senpai is clearly not happy. Hypocrite : For a woman who called the Journalist a lecherous pervert, Ryoba herself seems to have very little problem with being a Yandere Stalker with a Crush. Implied Death Threat : Directed towards the Journalist in the past after being found innocent in court. Ryoba: It would be very easy to make your death look like a suicide. It Runs in the Family : The first basement cassette suggests that her mother was also a yandere. Word of God says that the yandere trait goes back several generations. Karma Houdini : She was able to live happily with the man of her dreams and raise a daughter. Like Mother, Like Daughter : Her and her daughter are both Yandere girls who are likely to kill for their respective senpai and go to the same high school. She even goes through the same list of potential eliminations Ayano does, including the more peaceful ones.

Though, Ayano can optionally follow in her footsteps the exact way, or Defy her heritage entirely. Ryoba suggests in one tape that both her and her mother kidnapped their senpais, kept them captive, and tied them to the same chair in a basement. Love Before First Sight : She has had the same fever dream for her entire life where she meets her soulmate and get together with him. When she finally meets Jokichi Yudasei for the first time, she recognizes him from her dreams, making her think that her dreams were a prophecy with her wanting to carry out her dreams any means necessary. Manipulative Bitch : She manipulates people who try to get in the way of her pursuit of her senpai, and has also been purposefully pushing Ayano towards a violent path her whole life. He and Kocho lampshade her manipulative tendencies in a couple tapes. Canonically, her act manages to fool the media and well-nigh the entirety of Japan. Missing Mom : She and her husband are out of town for the 10 weeks that Ayano is running amok. Why is that? This was done to trick the court into thinking she was innocent so she could get away scot-free.

Pet the Dog : Not that it was done out of any kindness , but given how she dealt with her previous rivals, pairing Chigusa with one of her male admirers is much more merciful. Given the two got married later in life , it even worked out outside of just keeping Chigusa from Jokichi. Predecessor Villain : She attended the same school her daughter does, and killed at least one person during her time there canonically six. Promoted to Playable : For 1980s mode. Still lovesick, still giggly, still enthusiastic, still an immature psychotic murderer. Ryoba: [sound of knife] Say. In Basement Tape 1, she is revealed to have kidnapped her senpai and held him against his will until Stockholm Syndrome kicked in. Between that and Basement Tape 10 which takes place mere days before the main campaign of the game , they got married and had a daughter, which obviously means that they had sex. Considering how terrified Jokichi is in those two tapes, it is highly unlikely that he consented to any advances willingly. YandereDev has confirmed that this will be further explored.

Removing the Rival : According to the tapes, she got rid of some of her rivals through manipulation instead of straight murder canonically five of them. Significant Double Casting : Shares a voice actress with her daughter, Ayano. Slasher Smile : The journalist described it in detail. The Sociopath : Hoo, boy. Other than her love of her daughter and husband which is debatable all things considered , she is practically a textbook example: a manipulative liar who can be superficially charming, possesses zero empathy for anyone even the people she claims to love , and has very few morals allowing her to do just about anything to get what she wants.

Its captivating interplay of light and shadow adds depth, inviting viewers to explore its boundless allure. Within this captivating image, an intricate tapestry of elements unfolds, resonating with a wide spectrum of interests and passions.

Its timeless beauty and meticulous details invite viewers from diverse backgrounds to explore its captivating narrative. Within this captivating tableau, a rich tapestry of visual elements unfolds, resonating with a broad spectrum of interests and passions, making it universally appealing. Its timeless allure invites viewers to explore its boundless charm. Universal in its appeal, this image weaves a mesmerizing tapestry of details and hues that transcends specialized interests, captivating a diverse audience. Its enchanting fusion of elements serves as a magnetic force, drawing enthusiasts from different backgrounds into its world of beauty and wonder.

Так же у Якудзы можно взять фейк айди и купить алкоголь и сигареты. Еще предмет репорта - презервативы. Их можно просто купить без фейк айди. Еще нужно у одной девочки украсть кольцо Зовут Химеко Дерегучи обливаешь ее водой и когда она пойдет переодеваться украсть кольцо из ее шкафчика и подложить в сумку соперницы. Кстати, если подложить ей наркотики, то ее сразу посадят потому, что это нелегально.

Yakuza in Yandere Simulator

NEW Yakuza Cutscene - Yandere Simulator 1980s Mode - Yandere Simulator debug build released for the first time.
Experience the Thrill of Osana in Yandere Simulator – The Ultimate Yandere Experience Yandere Simulator developer speaks out about his game, Yandere Simulator, being banned from
Якудза в Яндере Симулятор | Yakuza in Yandere Simulator русская озвучка Alisa Царь YandereDev, the person developing Yandere Simulator, has released a new video that shows you how to get away with murder in the game.
ayano and yakuza Yakuza in Yandere Simulator How do you feel about the Yakuza idea?
Yandere Simulator Developer Gives Warning To Game Developers – GameSkinny #the8thsphynx #yandere simulator #yandere yakuza #yandere simulator yakuza #yansim #yandere dev #yandev #Crime Dragon Trash Husband #tbh I just really love him as a character.

Знакомство с Якудза | Yandere Simulator 1989 📹 16 видео

Ответы : Прохождение Yandere Simulator 1980 исключение с академии Если вам понравилось бесплатно смотреть видео якудза в яндере симуляторе [блог яндередева] онлайн которое загрузил Yandere Simulator RU 04 августа 2017 длительностью 00 ч 08 мин 15 сек в хорошем качестве, то расскажите об этом видео своим друзьям.
Yandere Simulator - Обзор новых убийств Today, we finally got the cutscene that plays when you get a girl kidnapped by the Yakuza.

Якудза в Симуляторе Яндере [Перевод] | Yandere Simulator

Так же от него получать для якудзы его новые технические разработки он же гений, как-никак , которые могут пригодиться в преступной среде. Миссия от якудзы в стиле Хитмена: довольно большая локация, но не сильно огромная, где нужно в стелсе пробраться и убить какого-то нпс. Добавить множество способов устранения, которые уже есть в самой игре яд, ток, нож в спину и так далее. На основании этого можно добавить файтинг на случай, если Ян-чан будет обнаружена а Дев в своё время говорил, что хотел добавить такую функцию раньше. И при этом можно использовать различные приёмы, которые сделали бы победу школьницы над мужиками обоснованнее: пистолет-электрошокер, бомбы, которые уже есть в алфавитном челлендже, доп приёмы вроде перцового баллончика, те же разработки гения научного клуба. К примеру, соперница хочет сделать подарок сенпаю, Ян-чан обещает ей помочь выяснить, что ему нравится и даёт ей неверные данные.

Или подменяет подарок на что-то другое дохлая мышь, парочка живых тараканов или пауков 2. Соперница сама любит какую-то определённую еду чипсы, жевачка, конфеты и подобное и намерена этим поделиться с сенпаем.

When she finally meets Jokichi Yudasei for the first time, she recognizes him from her dreams, making her think that her dreams were a prophecy with her wanting to carry out her dreams any means necessary. Manipulative Bitch : She manipulates people who try to get in the way of her pursuit of her senpai, and has also been purposefully pushing Ayano towards a violent path her whole life. He and Kocho lampshade her manipulative tendencies in a couple tapes. Canonically, her act manages to fool the media and well-nigh the entirety of Japan.

Missing Mom : She and her husband are out of town for the 10 weeks that Ayano is running amok. Why is that? This was done to trick the court into thinking she was innocent so she could get away scot-free. Pet the Dog : Not that it was done out of any kindness , but given how she dealt with her previous rivals, pairing Chigusa with one of her male admirers is much more merciful. Given the two got married later in life , it even worked out outside of just keeping Chigusa from Jokichi. Predecessor Villain : She attended the same school her daughter does, and killed at least one person during her time there canonically six.

Promoted to Playable : For 1980s mode. Still lovesick, still giggly, still enthusiastic, still an immature psychotic murderer. Ryoba: [sound of knife] Say. In Basement Tape 1, she is revealed to have kidnapped her senpai and held him against his will until Stockholm Syndrome kicked in. Between that and Basement Tape 10 which takes place mere days before the main campaign of the game , they got married and had a daughter, which obviously means that they had sex. Considering how terrified Jokichi is in those two tapes, it is highly unlikely that he consented to any advances willingly.

YandereDev has confirmed that this will be further explored. Removing the Rival : According to the tapes, she got rid of some of her rivals through manipulation instead of straight murder canonically five of them. Significant Double Casting : Shares a voice actress with her daughter, Ayano. Slasher Smile : The journalist described it in detail. The Sociopath : Hoo, boy. Other than her love of her daughter and husband which is debatable all things considered , she is practically a textbook example: a manipulative liar who can be superficially charming, possesses zero empathy for anyone even the people she claims to love , and has very few morals allowing her to do just about anything to get what she wants.

Stalker with a Crush : She stalked Jokichi for about a year after first meeting him due to being too embarrassed to talk to him and continued doing so when other girls started to show their affection at him. The only differences are that Ryoba has longer hair, looks older, and has a noticeably curvier figure. Not too physically remarkable in any way. Villain of Another Story : She was an obsessive stalker as well. Villain Protagonist : She was a master manipulator and killer who got away with her crimes. Villain with Good Publicity : She managed to convince the entire nation of her total innocence.

Yandere : Like mother, like daughter. She killed at least one person who got in the way of her love-life in high-school, got away with it, and puts up a sweet front. Being a Yandere seems to be matrilineal. Jokichi Yudasei Mr. He and his wife who held him captive for so long that he can no longer stand up to her will be out of town for 10 weeks, so they cannot be interacted with during Story Mode. However, we find out plenty of information about them throughout tapes and Word of God.

Poor guy. If he comes back from America and sees that Ayano has caught herself a male Senpai, he — recalling how Ryoba turned his life upside-down and knowing firsthand what Aishi women are capable of — would be worried for Senpai. This is why, when Ryoba expresses the hope that Ayano will have a boyfriend by the time they return, his reply is a dejected "I hope not. Chick Magnet : In his youth he was this, attracting twelve girls in high school. Unfortunately, one of them was Ryoba. Covert Pervert : For Chigusa Busujima, whose career consists of provocative photo shoots and the like.

Doomed by Canon : No matter what you do in 1980s mode, Ryoba will kidnap poor Jokichi and force him to marry her. This is probably a way to cope with his Stockholm Syndrome. Ryoba: Are you jealous, darling? Are you worried that someone is going to steal your beloved wife away? Ryoba: Oh, darling! Jokichi: Right...

Distressed Dude : He was kidnapped by Ryoba and forced to love her. Sort of. Gold Digger : He wanted to marry into a wealthy family, which is why so many rivals are rich girls. Henpecked Husband : Played for Drama. He has a difficult time standing up for himself against Ryoba, even when she decides to take a long trip to America just before their daughter starts school. Heteronormative Crusader : Zig-zagged, due to shifting Word of God.

However, upon reflection, he would probably encourage such a pairing, since it would likely mean the end of the bloodline of yandere Aishi women. Hidden Eyes : His face in the picture frame is obscured by glare.

Evil Virtues : She has the same "Devoted" persona as her daughter. Generation Xerox : Not only is she a yandere like her daughter, her picture shows she looks exactly like Ayano, except older duh and, thanks to age and having a child, significantly more voluptuous.

That they share a voice actress only further drives the point home. Genki Girl : An evil and rather creepy example, going by her interaction with her finally captured senpai in the pre-recorded tapes. Greater-Scope Villain : She is the reason the police are leery about investigating the school, after she humiliated the Buraza Town police department by convincing the whole world that she had been falsely accused due to bureaucratic incompetence in an internationally high-profile case. Giggling Villain : In Basement Tape 1, she giggles a lot out of girlish glee at finally being able to talk to her senpai.

Happily Married : Played with. While she is pretty happy she got together with her senpai, said senpai is clearly not happy. Hypocrite : For a woman who called the Journalist a lecherous pervert, Ryoba herself seems to have very little problem with being a Yandere Stalker with a Crush. Implied Death Threat : Directed towards the Journalist in the past after being found innocent in court.

Ryoba: It would be very easy to make your death look like a suicide. It Runs in the Family : The first basement cassette suggests that her mother was also a yandere. Word of God says that the yandere trait goes back several generations. Karma Houdini : She was able to live happily with the man of her dreams and raise a daughter.

Like Mother, Like Daughter : Her and her daughter are both Yandere girls who are likely to kill for their respective senpai and go to the same high school. She even goes through the same list of potential eliminations Ayano does, including the more peaceful ones. Though, Ayano can optionally follow in her footsteps the exact way, or Defy her heritage entirely. Ryoba suggests in one tape that both her and her mother kidnapped their senpais, kept them captive, and tied them to the same chair in a basement.

Love Before First Sight : She has had the same fever dream for her entire life where she meets her soulmate and get together with him. When she finally meets Jokichi Yudasei for the first time, she recognizes him from her dreams, making her think that her dreams were a prophecy with her wanting to carry out her dreams any means necessary. Manipulative Bitch : She manipulates people who try to get in the way of her pursuit of her senpai, and has also been purposefully pushing Ayano towards a violent path her whole life. He and Kocho lampshade her manipulative tendencies in a couple tapes.

Canonically, her act manages to fool the media and well-nigh the entirety of Japan. Missing Mom : She and her husband are out of town for the 10 weeks that Ayano is running amok. Why is that? This was done to trick the court into thinking she was innocent so she could get away scot-free.

Pet the Dog : Not that it was done out of any kindness , but given how she dealt with her previous rivals, pairing Chigusa with one of her male admirers is much more merciful. Given the two got married later in life , it even worked out outside of just keeping Chigusa from Jokichi. Predecessor Villain : She attended the same school her daughter does, and killed at least one person during her time there canonically six. Promoted to Playable : For 1980s mode.

Still lovesick, still giggly, still enthusiastic, still an immature psychotic murderer. Ryoba: [sound of knife] Say. In Basement Tape 1, she is revealed to have kidnapped her senpai and held him against his will until Stockholm Syndrome kicked in. Between that and Basement Tape 10 which takes place mere days before the main campaign of the game , they got married and had a daughter, which obviously means that they had sex.

Considering how terrified Jokichi is in those two tapes, it is highly unlikely that he consented to any advances willingly. YandereDev has confirmed that this will be further explored. Removing the Rival : According to the tapes, she got rid of some of her rivals through manipulation instead of straight murder canonically five of them. Significant Double Casting : Shares a voice actress with her daughter, Ayano.

Slasher Smile : The journalist described it in detail. The Sociopath : Hoo, boy. Other than her love of her daughter and husband which is debatable all things considered , she is practically a textbook example: a manipulative liar who can be superficially charming, possesses zero empathy for anyone even the people she claims to love , and has very few morals allowing her to do just about anything to get what she wants. Stalker with a Crush : She stalked Jokichi for about a year after first meeting him due to being too embarrassed to talk to him and continued doing so when other girls started to show their affection at him.

The only differences are that Ryoba has longer hair, looks older, and has a noticeably curvier figure. Not too physically remarkable in any way. Villain of Another Story : She was an obsessive stalker as well. Villain Protagonist : She was a master manipulator and killer who got away with her crimes.

Villain with Good Publicity : She managed to convince the entire nation of her total innocence. Yandere : Like mother, like daughter. She killed at least one person who got in the way of her love-life in high-school, got away with it, and puts up a sweet front. Being a Yandere seems to be matrilineal.

Jokichi Yudasei Mr. He and his wife who held him captive for so long that he can no longer stand up to her will be out of town for 10 weeks, so they cannot be interacted with during Story Mode. However, we find out plenty of information about them throughout tapes and Word of God. Poor guy.

Hitman with Anime characters! Yandere Simulator is a game about this crazy bitch named Ayano who is desperate for the sex. This game has been in development for six years, because of the fact that the gremlins are harrasing me and have hacked into my subreddit! Note: I am not responsible for any damages my code has caused to your CPU. A wide variety of options are on the table; you can set her up with another boy, send her to the Yakuza, frame her for a crime, sabotage her interactions with Senpai until he hates her, or kidnap her and keep her trapped in your sex dungeon.

Якудза в Симуляторе Яндере [Перевод] | Yandere Simulator

[Прохождение Yandere Simulator], БУДУЩЕЕ ЯНДЕРЕ СИМУЛЯТОРА? I meen, Yandere Simulator is supposed to be a dark game where you play the villain, peraps you can choose your way (like in Undertale or Disonored). Youtube, video, Gaming, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere, yandere-chan, yanderedev, How do you feel about the Yakuza idea? Imgur Yandere Simulator Memes, Yandere Girl, Fanarts Anime, Gex, Little Brothers, Art Reference Poses. 810 YANDERE SIMULATOR ideas | yandere simulator, yandere, simulation. Imgur Yandere Simulator Memes, Yandere Girl, Fanarts Anime, Gex, Little Brothers, Art Reference Poses.

ЗНАКОМСТВО С ЯКУДЗА! [Прохождение Yandere Simulator 1980s Mode]

Наркотики можно взять только у якудзы, алкоголь во время обеда украсть из кабинета директора на 3 этаже. Yandere Simulator by azarat38 on DeviantArt. О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Yandere Simulator (рабочее название; с англ. — «Симулятор яндэрэ») — находящаяся в разработке компьютерная игра в жанре стелс-экшен от третьего лица на движке Unity. Yandere simulator | яндере симулятор.

Yakuza In Yandere Simulator

Learn How To Get Away With Murder In Yandere Simulator #the8thsphynx #yandere simulator #yandere yakuza #yandere simulator yakuza #yansim #yandere dev #yandev #Crime Dragon Trash Husband #tbh I just really love him as a character.
Yandere Simulator - Обзор новых убийств The Yakuza) — персонаж в режиме 1980, который может предоставить Риобе Аиши различные услуги, включая устранение её соперниц.
ЯКУДЗА В ДЕЛЕ ! : Yandere Simulator Yandere Simulator |Яндере симулятор. это увлекательный трёхмерный симулятор для всех любителей лёгких и романтических игр!
ЗНАКОМСТВО С ЯКУДЗА! [Прохождение Yandere Simulator 1980s Mode] Yakuza Before: A delinquent's older brother who is a powerful and dangerous man.
Новости Yandere Simulator - Shazoo [Прохождение Yandere Simulator], БУДУЩЕЕ ЯНДЕРЕ СИМУЛЯТОРА?

Вики Симулятора Яндере

Yandere Simulator Режим 1980 В этом режиме вы играете за Риобу Аиши — мать Аяно. Discover videos related to yandere simulator yakuza on TikTok. Yandere Simulator |Яндере симулятор. это увлекательный трёхмерный симулятор для всех любителей лёгких и романтических игр! Yandere Simulator. From the moment you arrive, you'll be immersed in a realm of Joining The Yakuza Concept Yandere Simulator 1980s Mode's finest treasures.

Yandere Simulator Developer Gives Warning To Game Developers

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Вопрос 2. Хорошо, давай я познакомлю тебя с Яндере-чан поближе.

Её настоящее имя - Аяно Аиши. Всю свою жизнь она не чувствовала совершенно никаких эмоций, вплоть до того момента, пока не встретила своего Сенпая. С того момента она буквально расцвела, конечно, только рядом с ним она может быть по-настоящему счастливой и эмоциональной. Но она не терпит конкуренток. В процессе игры Аяно будет вредить и убирать их со своего пути одну за одной. Так вот,как ты относишься к такой девушке? Считаешь ли, что насильно убирая девушек от своего объекта обожания, она поступает правильно? Да никак я к этому не отношусь, мне всё равно.

Может быть она и неправильно поступает, делая это насильственно. Можно ведь отгонять девушек мирным путём. Конечно же, она поступает неправильно, но мне её немного жалко. Если поставить себя на её место... Она поступает правильно! Что же это за любовь такая, если за неё не надо воевать? Она поступает неправильно по отношению к тем девушкам, так как они заслуживают того же, чего и она. Пусть она сама попытается добиться расположения того парня.

Никак не отношусь, мне просто жалко этого парня, в которого она влюбилась. О боже, нет конечно. Я отношусь к ней негативно. Зачем же прибегать к такой жестокости?!

Но даже если YandereDev сам делал многие ассеты, то это не отменяет факта о низком качестве игры. Потому что все ассеты выглядят просто ужасно. Графика у Yandere Simulator находится где-то на уровне игр с PS2, и во многом уступает даже любительским моделькам для Miku Miku Dance. Я использовал бесплатные модели из DeviantArt, доступные каждому желающему. Но гораздо хуже выглядит весь нераскрытый потенциал. Но на практике все куда плачевнее. Поскольку в игре нету ни одной соперницы, игроку ничего не остаётся делать, как развлечь себя, издеваясь над плохо проработанными NPC. Сперва это может показаться весёлым, но со временем эта песочница насинант быстро надоедать. Это не игра вовсе, а всего-то технодемка, в которую можно разок поиграть и забыть. Отдельного упоминания заслуживают пасхальные яйца, коих в игре очень много. Складывается ощущение, что YandereDev вкладывает больше сил и старания на пасхалки, чем на саму игру. Большинство пасхалок активируются с помощью читов. В основном они превращают главную героиню в персонажа известного аниме или видеоигры. А некоторые пасхалки и вовсе превращают игру в наркоманскую кашу. Например, Titan Mode, который превращает всех NPC в голых великанов отсылка на сами знаете какое аниме. Но беда в том, что YandereDev больше отвлекается на ненужные для игры вещи, а не на проработку основного геймплея. Одна из дешёвых и никому не нужных "пасхалок". Ещё одной проблемой Yandere Simulator является её чрезмерго огромный для инди-разработчика масштаб.

Мэхен активно обсуждал сексуальные темы и серьезные отношения с 16-летней девушкой. Несколько месяцев назад 35-летний Мэхен завел отношения с 16-летней Джейн. Она написала ему сама; Фанатка показалась Мэхену смешной и веселой, поэтому он продолжил с ней общаться; Спустя пару месяцев после текстовой переписки, она предложила созвониться. Во время первого звонка она призналась, что ей 16 лет, но Мэхен решил, что в этом нет ничего страшного; В какой-то момент Джейн решила записывать беседы с Мэхеном. Как говорит она сама, чтобы делиться его шутками с друзьями; Одна из подруг Джейн решила, что Мэхен активно домогается до подростка, занимается грумингом. Она уговорила Джейн передать из беседы YouTube-блогеру, что рассказывает о скандалах в индустрии. Мэхен признает, что ему не нужно было заводить такие отношения с 16-летней девочкой и извиняется перед всеми.

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