Новости драфт нхл 2024 рейтинг проспектов

Минимум трое россиян могут рассчитывать на выбор в первом раунде драфта Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) 2024 года. Промежуточный рейтинг возглавил форвард финского «Юкурита» Конста Хелениус. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Кори Пронман опубликовал свои собственные предварительные рейтинги лучших проспектов для ярмарок талантов 2024 и 2025 годов. Недавно был опубликован первоначальный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Main navigation.

NHL Scoring Leaders 2023‑2024

Лента новостей. NHL Inside | Обзоры НХЛ. 7 апр 2023. Пожаловаться. Колумнист авторитетного портала The Athletic Скотт Уилер представил предварительный рейтинг лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Первое место в данном рейтинге досталось канадцу Маклину Селебрини. 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Roundup: Berkly Catton living up to potential in WHL.

Looking ahead at the 2024 NHL Draft’s top 12 prospects

Россиянин возглавил международный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года Лента новостей.
The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024 The NHL regular season is nearly done, meaning many teams and their fan bases have started to follow the top prospects in the 2024 draft class more carefully.
6 российских игроков попали в ТОП-32 проспектов драфта 2024 по версии Журналисты Sportsnet составили рейтинг 30 лучших хоккеистов грядущего драфта НХЛ.
Артема Левшунова включают в топ-10 проспектов уже драфта NHL-2024 Центральное скаутское бюро Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) представило промежуточный рейтинг драфта 2024 года.
2024 NHL Draft Rankings - NHL Rumors Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в международном рейтинге драфта НХЛ в 2024 году, сообщает Центральное скаутское бюро лиги.

Looking ahead at the 2024 NHL Draft’s top 12 prospects

This is undoubtedly a stronger year for defenseman. Early on, it appears to be a weaker drive class with respect to prospects from Sweden. Finland, however, has a much stronger presence compared to 2023. As we head into the 2023 addition of the Hlinka Gretzky Cup, we take a dive into the top potential prospects for the first 3 rounds of the 2024 draft. Upside Hockey, that is... Let us know what you think and connect on Twitter UpsideHockey.

As always, these rankings are completely free.

He is undersized, he is not the best skater, and early this season a knee injury that required surgery has put him out for four months. Kiviharju is expected to be healthy again in February. However, in a league where top pairing defensemen are at a premium, if Kiviharju falls outside the first? There is the potential for one of the bigger draft steals in recent history. While there are concerns about his game the upside is inarguable.

His hockey IQ would be the envy of most NHLers, he is almost always two-steps ahead and rarely makes bad decisions. This, combined with fantastic vision, great passing and silky hands means he is great in transition, and controls play when set-up in the OZ. Defensively he has an active stick, good gap control, and thrives on breaking up plays before they develop. He is also strong down low, even against players 15 years older and 50lbs heavier. His upside is still a 1 defenseman despite the concerns. Mews has excellent handling that he can ulitize to navigate through tight pressure to get separation before completing an outlet feed.

While he has had productive shifts where he pushed pace, there are shifts in which I see Mews will encounter pressure and pass into traffic instead of using his handling to open up an uncontested passing lane. Defensively, Mews will struggle with gap control from time to time and his defensive work could use further refinement, but when you to balance that with his distribution with the puck you are looking at a mid-to-late first round prospect. Although there may be something to this, Ritchie is still doing a lot of things very well. I have a tough time seeing him falling out of round 1 as the season goes along. His feet and hands are ultra quick making him an exceptional puck carrier. If you give Ritchie time to pickup speed and attack defenders downhill, you will be sorry after he beats you, and secures middle ice.

Since the new year of this past season, Yakemchuk has really started to take strides, and his game continues to round itself out. Yakemchuk has a nice blend of size, skill, and aggressiveness that allow him to be a force all over the ice. His instincts are great, and he joins the rush when he feels he can contribute to the play. He holds his own in the defensive zone with his size and ability to separate puck carriers from the puck to quick start offense the other way for his side. He plays a gritty grame and works the boards with great pressure shift in shift out. He is defensively responsible in transition and will put up a tough fight at open ice.

In the defensive zone, he will fall back to the low slot and provide support to his defensemen down low. Most of his MHL primary 5v5 points have come off of odd man rushes. His puck movement in transition is excellent. His handling and distribution is excellent. He is shifty, mobile, agile and has tremendous speed. Basha does a good job of utilizing tight passing lanes to the slot.

He will grab possession of loose pucks off the boards, drive to the trapezoid and look to feather passes to the low slot. I could see Basha being a riser in the next of rankings. Josh Tessler 27 — Tanner Howe, F, Regina Tanner Howe plays a high-energy skilled game with a dogged off-puck game that allows him to play bigger than he is. I expect him to rise as the year goes on, but if his microstat profile stays the same, his size will see him slip in the draft. Whenever he has the puck outside of the slot and pressure intensifies, he looks for the tighest gaps and uses them to get pucks to the slot. He has great handling and will implement shot fakes and toe drags to net the separation that he needs to get a pass off.

When shooting from range, he has a very quick shot release and will look to target glove side. He also tallied quite a few backdoor goals at 5v5 this season by being in the right space at the right time. Defensively, he plays more of a support role, but always looks to cement himself in open ice towards the blue line so he can provide an outlet lane for his defensemen. Marques has middle six upside. On the flip side, he will use pivots to shake free of pressure when he has the puck. From a transition perspective, Ustinkov looks to usually make an outlet pass from the backend to a teammate further up in the defensive zone and let his forwards push play up ice.

But, there are some shifts in which he looks to be a bit more of a driver in transition. He will skate up the offensive zone blue line to be a passing option for his teammates in the neutral zone, facilitate a controlled zone entry once he has the puck on his stick, push the puck up the boards and try to find a gap to get a pass off to a teammate down in the zone. When off puck and the oppositional breakout is about to kick off, he will skate up to the backside of an attacker off of the boards to make it a challenge for that attacker to grab control of the puck off of a pass from a the defenseman looking to complete a breakout pass. His distribution from deep in his own zone has been great. He can wire quick stretch passes to the neutral zone and does a good job of identifying tight passing lanes while pushing the puck up in the defensive zone and seeing that he could potentially get the puck in the hands of a teammate further up in the zone.

The big mover from our preseason rankings has been creating a buzz in hockey circles - Cayden Lindstrom. Defenseman Anton Silayev has also moved up to the top 5. Defenseman Zeev Buium is another big mover, having moved up from 29th to the top 10. There will undoubtedly be plenty of jockeying for position amongst the eligible prospects with offseason training to be done, and a full season of hockey yet to be played. The following is an early yet extensive glimpse at some of the talented young guns to keep on the radar for the 2024 NHL Draft in our patented quintessential spreadsheet format, composed by the incomparable E-Mac. This is undoubtedly a stronger year for defenseman. Early on, it appears to be a weaker drive class with respect to prospects from Sweden.

Окончательные рейтинги центрального скаутского бюро хоккеистов, выступающих в Северной Америке и Европе, будут опубликованы только в апреле. Пока появляются предварительные рейтинги, одним из них стал список 16 лучших молодых игроков, составленный в середине сентября известным аналитиком канадского портала TSN Бобом Маккензи. Этот рейтинг сформирован по итогам голосования 10 скаутов клубов НХЛ. Первым номером прошедшего в этом году в Нэшвилле драфта НХЛ был двукратный чемпион мира среди молодежных команд канадец Коннор Бедард, и никто этот выбор "Чикаго" не оспаривал. Отмечается, что Селебрини может повторить путь Бедарда, так как имеет потенциал добавить во всех компонентах: катании, владении шайбой, видении площадки, голевом чутье. Интересно, что оба родились в агломерации Ванкувера. Вторым в рейтинге стоит крайний нападающий Коул Эйзерман, который, как и многие американские игроки, является участником программы Ассоциации хоккея США по развитию игроков до 18 лет. Эксперты отмечают его бросок, из-за которого канадский аналитик, специализирующийся на выявлении хоккейных талантов, Крэйг Баттон сравнил Эйзермана с нападающим "Вашингтона" Александром Овечкиным. Демидов хочет выиграть Кубок Гагарина Нападающий СКА Иван Демидов идет на третьем месте в списке, 17-летний форвард известен своим универсализмом, культурой паса и броском. В межсезонье он наигрывался в звено к выбранному седьмым на драфте-2023 "Филадельфией" Матвею Мичкову. Тот пробовался в тройке в качестве центрфорварда, но в начале чемпионата Фонбет - Континентальной хоккейной лиги не закрепился в основе армейцев и был отправлен в аренду в "Сочи". Четырех россиян выбрали в первом раунде. Несмотря на это, по мнению Баттона, Демидов по своему потенциалу выглядит сильнее Мичкова, эксперт сравнил его с форвардом "Тампы" Никитой Кучеровым. В своем рейтинге Баттон, как и Маккензи, поставил Демидова на третье место.

Белорус и два россиянина в топ-5 проспектов драфта-2024 в НХЛ

Защитник нижегородского «Торпедо» Антон Силаев занял первое место в финальной версии международного рейтинга драфта 2024 года по версии центрального скаутского бюро НХЛ. With some showcase tournaments out of the way, here’s a look at Daily Faceoff’s 40 rankings for the 2024 NHL Draft for November. Главная» Новости» Драфт нхл 2024 проспекты. An early look at the 2024 NHL Draft class with the top 12 ranked prospects, including Macklin Celebrini, Cole Eiserman, Ivan Demidov, and more.

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024

Above all, the Norwegian winger plays with intensity and defensive reliability. He reloads above pucks to remain engaged in offensive zone turnovers, blasts through center ice to chase down loose pucks when they pop out, and protects pucks well along the boards. The same goes for his teammates; he can set them up in great areas with a combination of vision, poise and a wide arsenal of passes, but until recently, they would lack that finishing touch. As a 17-year-old, Levshunov is currently tied for 5th among scoring for defensemen across the NCAA, and his current point-a-game clip is on pace to be something that has not been emulated since the early 1980s. The former two being particular strengths in his game, Levshunov is simply fantastic on the puck. While he remains very raw, especially for a defenseman playing in the KHL as a draft-eligible, his tools are rather unique and the ceiling is high. Silayev covers a ton of ice, needing only three or four strides to cross the neutral zone. Defensively, Silayev relies on his extraordinarily long reach and powerful strides to close gaps quickly and very aggressively.

Early in the season, he regularly over-committed, leading to odd-man rushes against, and while he can still be aggressive to a fault, this element of his game has improved significantly in our viewings. That said, his decision-making both with and without the puck and his composure remain real works in progress, which ended up being the deciding factor in our debate between him and Levshunov at 10. He bullies opponents along the boards, easily strips them of possession, and makes small-area passes to open teammates with an ease and accuracy that leaves his opponents scrambling to keep up. In the KHL, much of the same remains, but he has also shown a whole lot of adaptability despite the limited ice-time. He tracks back, finds his check, and sticks to him. Despite making his debut in the Liiga at just 16 years old, his development has encountered some setbacks. He thinks the game on a level only few can.

He anticipates plays exceptionally well and makes smart decisions with and without the puck. His defensive game relies heavily on his stick work and the physical side of the game is something he really needs to work on. That said, his tools forced our hand in keeping him inside our top 15. He uses his physicality intelligently too, always looking to separate player from puck. Most of those pertain to the mental side of the game. From missing secondary scoring threats to becoming a deer in the headlights under pressure while stationary, Jiricek has a few hurdles to overcome, but we have seen enough flashes to believe that there is a real chance he does so. His tenacious presence on the forecheck often leads to turnovers which he quickly turns into scoring chances with accurate passes.

He is a legitimately dangerous playmaker thanks to his precise puck handling and ability to get passes through lanes. He also has a strong understanding of space and timing, particularly in the offensive zone. This puts him in a good position to score on a regular basis although his finishing is only about average. His strong work ethic allows him to overcome an inefficient stride that ultimately limits his top speed. That being said, improvements in his skating technique could unlock more upside in transition. He is a very effective playmaker making passes from behind the net as well and off the half wall. Despite his small frame, he will win puck battles by using his speed and competitiveness.

Misa is supremely tenacious and will backcheck hard to try to force as many turnovers as he can. Combine that with poor size and just good skill and this is probably what separates him from a player like Zach Benson in 2023. Ritchie has very quick feet and hands with excellent puckhandling posture, making him an excellent puck carrier. Especially when given time and space to attack downhill, Ritchie is particularly adept at using those hands to find the middle of the ice for high-quality chances. Ritchie is also an effective positionally-focused player, using great puck spacing and support in all three zones and prioritizing strong body positioning before establishing puck possession. The next steps for Ritchie will be improving his standstill explosiveness and checking lanes which hinders his ability to win puck battles and adding more layers of deception to his playmaking. Ritchie has a good read of where his options are but too often telegraphs his intentions, making many of his passes unnecessarily risky.

If Ritchie can improve in these areas and continue to develop, he could challenge Catton and Lindstrom for a top WHL draft-eligible. Besides the name pedigree, Iginla is an easy player to root for. His habits away from the puck are a definite strength, from his frequent scanning, active stick, good forechecking routes and hard-nosed backchecking. He gets off the wall to the middle quickly, and can also drift into high-danger areas, and when paired with his lightning-quick snapshot, makes him a dangerous goal scorer. Iginla might lack the high-end dynamism of some of the other WHLers in this class, but his combination of all-around skills and pro-level habits make him a good bet to be a contributing NHLer. He constantly tries to take on opponents one-on-one, pushes through checks with shoulder drops and great puck placement, and always goes for the throat with his offensive zone incursions. A major difference between Connelly last year versus this year, is that he is trusting his teammates a lot more to complete his plays.

As a result, his playmaking game has grown and he has adopted a distributor role that fits his skillset better than the finisher role he was trying to force last year.

Об этом пишет пресс-служба лиги. Также сообщается, что российский вратарь Михаил Егоров, выступающий за «Омаху», возглавил рейтинг голкиперов, выступающих в Северной Америке. Добавим, что лучшим среди полевых игроков, выступающих в Северной Америки, стал канадец Маклин Селебрини.

But the younger brother of Columbus Blue Jackets prospect David Jiricek is still getting the chance to play against pros, where his decision-making with the puck has looked solid. Jiricek is aggressive and can shoot with power, but his skating needs work — just like David at the same age. He scored 21 goals as a rookie last year which was bonkers. He started off slow, but Kiviharju had points in his final two games as his ice time started to improve.

Yakemchuk is skilled with the puck and makes smart decisions with the puck, but his defensive game can be a struggle sometimes. But at 6-foot-3 with his strong footwork, NHL teams will be excited. He has hovered around the goal-a-game mark for most of the season, needing just 10 games to match his 48-game run with the WHL champions Seattle last year. Beyond the scoresheet, Iginla is flashy, defensively reliable and can land a big hit, too. Sounds a little like someone we might remember. As an October 2005 birthdate, the Norweigan forward has already been playing against pros in the second-tier Swedish league, showcasing a relentless forecheck every single game. For a nearly 200-pound winger, Chernyshov moves well, with and without the puck. Artamonov is already playing a big role, partly thanks to the way he attacks the puck and forces mistakes.

He has a solid mentor in Colorado Avalanche prospect Sean Behrens, helping him to understand the pressure of playing big minutes against quality competition. There were a few times last year when Buium looked like the best player on the ice — other times, he can be invisible. He looks just like his brother, in both good and bad ways. A high-end puck-mover, Hutson can electrify with some of his moves to get himself out of trouble on the attack.

В последнем сезоне он набрал 42 очка, что является впечатляющим показателем для игрока, которому на драфт выходить только через год. Левшунов отлично действует в атаке и обороне, у него хорошие руки и высокий хоккейный IQ. Это современный защитник, который может наказать своих соперников как за счет силовой игры, так и посредством результативных действий.

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  • #2 Cole Eiserman, LW, USNTDP (USHL)
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Четыре российских хоккеиста вошли в топ‑10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ 2024 года

Белорус и два россиянина в топ-5 проспектов драфта-2024 в НХЛ Лента новостей. 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings | Tankathon.
Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024 Промежуточный рейтинг возглавил форвард финского «Юкурита» Конста Хелениус.
The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024 Он выпустил свой предварительный рейтинг десяти лучших проспектов для драфта НХЛ следующего года.

DobberProspects’ November Top 32 for the 2024 NHL Draft

The Athletic: Силаев и Демидов в топ-10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ — 2024 Full round 2024 NHL mock draft projections, with trades and compensatory picks based on weekly team projections and college and amateur player rankings.
Два игрока из КХЛ вошли в топ-5 лучших проспектов на драфте НХЛ 2024 Главная Новости СобытиеЭксперт Sportsnet Cэм Косентино включил Артема Левшунова в топ-3 рейтинга проспектов для драфта НХЛ 2024.
2024 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings | Tankathon Prospect rankings for the top college, junior, and international players in the 2024 NHL Draft.

#1 – Macklin Celebrini, F, Boston University

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Четыре российских хоккеиста вошли в топ‑10 рейтинга драфта НХЛ 2024 года

Недавно был опубликован первоначальный рейтинг драфта НХЛ 2024 года. Промежуточный рейтинг возглавил форвард финского «Юкурита» Конста Хелениус. Автор издания Daily Faceoff Стивен Эллис составил рейтинг проспектов, которых команды Национальной хоккейной лиги смогут выбрать следующим летом. Первая десятка рейтинга лучших проспектов драфта-2024 НХЛ по версии Sportsnet выглядит следующим образом. With the 2024 NHL Draft just 2 months away, it's time to take a look at the top 100 prospects available in this year's draft class.

#1 – Macklin Celebrini, F, Boston University

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Артём Левшунов вошёл в топ-3 лучших проспекта драфта НХЛ-2024 по версии ESPN

Первое место в рейтинге проспектов из Северной Америки занял канадский нападающий Маклин Селебрини, на второй строчке оказался белорусский защитник Артем Левшунов. Топ-10 предварительного рейтинга драфта НХЛ следующего года среди игроков, выступающих в Европе, возглавляет финский нападающий Конста Хелениус.

We are changing the way we present our rankings to the public this season. In the past we would publish our preliminary rankings in September but they were the rankings we came up with for our Draft Guide and were formulated the previous March making them pretty out of date by the time they hit our website. Our evaluations have been busy over the past months watching the many summer camps and showcases, the Hlinka Gretzky Cup, World Junior Summer Showcase, and early league play in both North America and Europe to provide input on this next wave of future NHL talent. Our teams early view of the 2024 draft crop is that this class holds solid depth of overall talent. Not only does it hold a couple of potential NHL organizational building blocks at the top but also a healthy amount of potential future NHL forwards, defenders, and even a couple potential starting goaltenders.

Он умело ходит по линии и хорошо контролирует игру. И хотя я бы не сказал, что он пока динамичен в нападении, он хорошо находит пространство и играет уверенно и спокойно. Если приложить еще немного усилий и доработать его игру, у него будет огромный потенциал", — отметил Уилер, которого цитирует "БХ". Рейтинг проспектов драфта-2024 1.

Левшунов мог бы сыграть в высших юниорских лигах уже в прошлом сезоне, если бы не запрет на участие белорусских и российских игроков на импортном драфте КХЛ 2022 года. Ожидайте, что он станет одним из первых защитников, ушедших с доски в 2024 году», — такую характеристику дал Левшунову автор рейтинга, приводим его мнение со ссылкой на hockey.

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