Флитвуд мэк танго в ночи концерт

Artistically and commercially, the Stevie Nicks/Lindsey Buckingham/Mick Fleetwood/Christine and John McVie edition of Fleetwood Mac had been on a roll for over a decade when Tango in the Night was released in early 1987. Tango In The Night (Demo)* – 04:41 05. Mystified (Alternate Version)* – 03:28 06. Tango In the Night is the band’s second-best-selling album behind Rumours and spawned several hits for the band (“Little Lies,” “Everywhere,” “Big Love,” “Seven Wonders”). A trifecta of Buckingham penned songs rounds off the first side. “Caroline” is percussion driven with African beats at the start before morphing into a more Caribbean rhythm for the verses and choruses. The title song, “Tango In the Night” is a moody, methodical rocker with distinctive sections.

Fleetwood Mac’s Tango in the Night Is the Gorgeous Sound of the Band’s Impending Doom

As an almost Lindsey Buckingham solo project Tango in the Night would be produced by Buckingham and Richard Dashut, resulting in the typically adventurous sound Buckingham is known for. ROCK Готовцефф Band. FLEETWOOD MAC – Tango in the Night – 1987 | Мультиплатиновое Танго в Ночи. Commissioned by WEA in late 1987 to promote Fleetwood Mac’s #1 album Tango in the Night. The film zooms into the album’s cover, which transitions to. Альбом «Танго в ночи» достигает первой строчки британского хит-парада и остается лидером пять недель. Диск стал самым продаваемым альбомом группы после легендарного “Rumours”. На сегодняшний момент раскуплено 15 миллионов диска. Performer: Fleetwood Mac Album: Tango In The Night Label: Warner Bros.

Tango in the Night

Mixing sessions could be exhausting, with each track often taking a full week of tinkering or more before it satisfied all parties. Sometimes Buckingham decided that a song was missing an element and would scrap it entirely before starting over. The men behind the boards also moved away from analog and used a two-track Sony digital tape machine extensively in getting audio ready for the mastering process. Surprisingly, they found the digital tape kept the spirit and sound of the original recordings in tact better than analog. The tape reels—which had been manually spliced together—started making odd noises during the mastering process.

In an era well before backups were both easily achieved and commonplace, the possibility of losing 18 months worth of hard work because of tape imperfections was a terrifying prospect. Buckingham, who was exhausted, burned out, and frustrated with his team of collaborators, decided that embarking on an extended tour with everyone would push him to a breaking point.

But Goth was not just a sound, nor an aesthetic; it was and is as much as anything, a viewpoint, a way of seeing and feeling. Nicks excepted, Fleetwood Mac can have had very little do with that. Yet they did anticipate the sound of Goth, provided a premonition of it.

I think Buckingham was drawing on the same sources to arrive independently at something that is at times eerily akin to it. Listen to the title track of Tusk: the ghostly backdrop of sound effects; the percussion, first claustrophobic then, thanks to the USC Trojan Marching Band, martial; the insinuating menace of its vocals, as if hissed and crooned from the recesses of a fever dream. It is dark, dark, dark. The 40th anniversary of Rumours coincides with the 30th of Tango in the Night, a record which has weathered very well indeed. While other big acts from the Seventies foundered in the Eighties, their attempts to keep pace with the times proving deadened and airless, Fleetwood Mac put a fashionable high gloss on their sound but kept their soul intact.

What Tango yet again demonstrated is that Tusk was not the anomaly it is now viewed as: rather, it was the plainest expression of something that was there from the moment Buckingham and Nicks joined the band. But for the extraordinary success of Rumours 45 million sold , Fleetwood Mac might have been understood as what they are: a solid blues-rock band who merged with a duo of disparate and phenomenal talents to create one of the greatest art-pop bands music has known. Then again, they might not have been: their principal sources blues-rock, folk-pop, country-rock are mistakenly seen as insufficiently synthetic for art-pop. The 12 years between Fleetwood Mac 1975 and Tango were a period when not only could the mainstream encompass such a thing, but when that thing could somehow find itself passed off as unchallenging. Rumours and Tusk are not just masterpieces.

They are two sides of the same precious coin: one shiny, one scratched, both of them rare and beautiful. Share this article:.

I think of it as our darkest period. Realizing that after 20 years of existence Fleetwood Mac was moving apart from one another in ways that might lead to their ultimate dissolution, Buckingham swung for the fences while recording their potential swan song. They just wanted supportive people in the studio who understood their collective vision. To help them create new songs that evoked aspects of their earlier classics while simultaneously going in a bold new direction, they opted to record in comfort instead of seeking out a cutting edge studio. Not wanting to overstep the delicate lines of personal space, the other Fleetwood Mac members rented a massive RV, parked it in his driveway, and spent much of their time in between sessions inside of the giant vehicle. Her fragile mental state and struggle to find sobriety limited her to about two weeks of total time during the year-and-a-half recording odyssey of Tango in the Night. To make it all work, Buckingham would stitch pieces of her vocals together or cut then out entirely—a decision Nicks understood in hindsight.

Точно так же можно сказать про первый альбом, блюзовый "флитвуд" нравится многим любителям блюза, которые ну ни хера не понимают, как на самом деле обстояли дела на тот момент и почему они оказались в творческом тупике. В том, что флитвуд стал более коммерческим, нет ничего плохого. И называть сразу это "попсой" просто глупо. Стиви и Линдси сделали именно тот флитвуд, которые знают все в мире, и за что их полюбили, сочетание необычных аранжировок с лирическими текстами.

Tango In the Night (Deluxe Edition)

Enter your email below to be the first to hear about new releases, upcoming events, and more from Dig! First name Email address Please enter a valid email address Yes, I want to receive marketing messages with the latest news, events and releases from Dig!. I understand that these emails are based on my information, interests, website activities and device data that is handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy. I understand that I can opt-out at any time by emailing privacypolicy wmg. Jamie Atkins 13 April 2021 While Fleetwood Mac had endured some extremely turbulent times since forming in 1967, come the mid-80s the group were very possibly at their lowest ebb.

Meanwhile, drummer Mick Fleetwood had plenty of problems of his own. Like Nicks, his cocaine use had taken hold and, along with a penchant for reckless spending, had left him in a perilous financial position. I think of it as our darkest period. Tango In The Night was underway. The sessions also came to him.

Through high school Mirage was one of my favorite albums. Fast forward a few years to the future where as a college student I struggled to get through my sophomore year both financially and academically. Many of the bands I loved in high school had lost their edge and devolved into electro pop.

As an almost Lindsey Buckingham solo project Tango in the Night would be produced by Buckingham and Richard Dashut, resulting in the typically adventurous sound Buckingham is known for. Other members of the band had their stamp on songs as Fleetwood Mac typically allows, after all its a tension between three and sometimes four creative forces.

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Celebrating Tango In The Night, Fleetwood Mac’s overlooked pop classic

Performer: Fleetwood Mac Album: Tango In The Night Label: Warner Bros. Quality: FLAC 24 bit / 96 kHz (Tracks) Artist: Fleetwood Mac Title: Tango In The Night Released: 1987/2017 Style: Rock, Pop, Soft Rock RAR Size: 4.25 Gb. Tango In The Night remains the last new word that these five people have left us; The Dance included no new songs, and by the time of Say You Will, effectively a Buckingham-Nicks record, Christine McVie had retired, contributing only occasional, ghostly backing vocals. Skeptics wary of boomer experiments in eighties technology, rejoice: chimes, voice oscillators, and six-string pizzicatos dominate; Tango is a Swedish cuckoo clock of a record. Even the best tracks betray no sign of five people playing together in the same space. 1987. Прослушать отрывки. Tango in the Night (Deluxe). Диск 1. Fleetwood Mac released Tango in the Night on April 13, 1987. Much like Rumours, the behind-the-scenes drama would generate a smash hit for the group.

Tango In The Night

This was Fleetwood Mac proving that they were still relevant. But the best thing about the album is its songs. Particularly its first side. A song so perfect that its very existence makes you happy to be alive.

Loading Perhaps the only thing really missing from Tango is a little more Stevie Nicks. There are many reasons why this might have been the case. He admitted his solo career was becoming his priority.

It is decorated with great vocals and harmonies, nice keyboard riffs, and just a touch of mystical sound sequences. A trifecta of Buckingham penned songs rounds off the first side. Ironically, she kept the surname of her previous husband, bass player John McVie, who has a strong presence in the song.

Из-за усилившегося давления на Бакингема, чтобы он сосредоточил внимание на альбоме и занимался его раскруткой, вскоре после релиза Tango in the Night разногласия между музыкантами достигли апогея. На собрании группы в доме Кристин Макви, где должен был обсуждаться сопроводительный концертный тур, он объявил о своём уходе, что привело Никс в ярость.

Бывших любовников пришлось сдерживать после того, как последовавший спор перерос в физическую ссору [22]. И, к его чести, он отложил в сторону все, о чём мечтал, включая запись собственного альбома, для Fleetwood Mac, но потом понял, что совершил ошибку… Линдси не был услышан. Мы просто не поняли этого» [23]. Они заменили его в турне и оставались полноправными участниками группы до начала 1990-х. Выпуск и продажи[ править править код ] Tango in the Night — второй по популярности студийный альбом Fleetwood Mac после феноменально успешного Rumours, выпущенного десятью годами ранее [24].

Последовавшие за ним пластинки, Tusk 1979 и Mirage 1982 , хотя и пользовались большой популярностью, не смогли повторить успех своего предшественника. Tango in the Night стал мировым хитом, а несколько его синглов — лидерами чартов. Песни Кристин Макви «Little Lies» и «Everywhere», в частности, фигурируют на нескольких сборниках выпущенных в 1980-х [25]. Альбом достиг 7-го места в американском Billboard 200 , продержавшись там в течение трёх недель, а также пробыв более семи месяцев в Top-20 и более десяти — в Top-40. В октябре 2000 года он был сертифицирован в США как трижды « платиновый » [26].

You And I, Pt. Down Endless Street — 04:28 02. Book Of Miracles Instrumental — 04:32 07. Ricky — 04:26 10. Big Love Extended Remix — 06:43 02.


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  • Tango In the Night (1987) (Fleetwood Mac) - слушать и скачать альбом целиком бесплатно в Mp3

Drug abuse, violence, and the making of Fleetwood Mac’s Tango In The Night

Droman shares that one inspiration for this approach was the U. We came up with whole techniques for how to do that, and keep things organized. When you record something really slow and you speed it up, all the harmonics get shifted up. We would do parts, and then double it and triple it and quadruple it, and each part would have maybe a little bit of a different tweak in the speed. That was quite normal. We never even knew what time of day it was. The pair would also coax Buckingham out of his house on Friday nights for dinner or a drink. For Dashut, this changed the way he approached his role as producer. And then, of course, add to it what I could based around which direction I felt everything was going. He just needed more support. He needed a mirror, he needed some people to bounce off of.

Yet the sound of "Tango in the Night" also incorporated some technology: Buckingham, for example, used a digital sampler called the Fairlight CMI to record various sounds and parts. But I think the Fairlight started replacing some of that human touch, some of the other band members. Lindsey was able to do a lot more on his own and control it a lot more artistically. They were all going through personal things, especially Stevie. It was a painful time.

Her voice, invariably hoarse after years of cocaine abuse, often warps or fails the already incomplete material. For all of its bluster, the song is not only enhanced by the incidents of its arrangement but is the incidents of its arrangement; try to imagine the song without its synth hook and hear the rest of it evaporate. After the bridge, Nicks completely disappears. Buckingham finishes the song. Most Read Reviews.

It is decorated with great vocals and harmonies, nice keyboard riffs, and just a touch of mystical sound sequences. A trifecta of Buckingham penned songs rounds off the first side. Ironically, she kept the surname of her previous husband, bass player John McVie, who has a strong presence in the song.

The set will also be available digitally. After topping the U. The deluxe and expanded editions of Tango In The Night both include a disc of rare recordings.

Tango In The Night

Fleetwood Mac: Tango in the Night (TV Special 1987) - IMDb But Tango In The Night deserves to be more than a footnote in the Fleetwood Mac story. More than a mere afterthought offered once you’ve exhausted yourself talking about cocaine, Rumours and how much they all hate each other.
Fleetwood Mac – Tango In The Night (1987) [2017, Super Deluxe Box Set, 3CD + DVD + Hi-Res Audio] Fleetwood Mac released the second-best selling record of their career in 1987 with Tango in the Night, an album that’s sold more than 15 million copies worldwide.
TANGO IN THE NIGHT TAB by Fleetwood Mac @ Альбом «Танго в ночи» достигает первой строчки британского хит-парада и остается лидером пять недель. Диск стал самым продаваемым альбомом группы после легендарного “Rumours”. На сегодняшний момент раскуплено 15 миллионов диска.
TODAY IN STEVIE HISTORY: Fleetwood Mac films Tango in the Night live video - STEVIE NICKS INFO Hear "Where We Belong," a previously unreleased Fleetwood Mac demo from the 'Tango in the Night' sessions, included on a new reissue of the album.

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Fleetwood Mac - Tango In The Night (part) by JJc

Hear "Where We Belong," a previously unreleased Fleetwood Mac demo from the 'Tango in the Night' sessions, included on a new reissue of the album. Tango in the Night is the final album the band would record as an infamous quintet. It's a pop and production masterpiece, yet remains this monolithic, lucrative idea of a Fleetwood Mac record. Fleetwood Mac was in pretty rough shape when the band got together to record what would become the group's 14th studio effort, Tango in the Night. The record was originally conceived as a Lindsey Buckingham solo project; it was Mick Fleetwood who coerced the guitarist into morphing it into a full. Although there were other great songs on the album – slick pop rock tunes in the classic Fleetwood Mac style, such as Christine’s “Little Lies” and “Everywhere”, and Stevie’s “Seven Wonders” Fleetwood calls Tango In The Night “Lindsey’s album”. After two decades of hardship, drug addiction, and personnel changes, the most successful lineup of Fleetwood Mac ended their run with 'Tango in the Night'. TAB by Fleetwood Mac.


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  • Hear Fleetwood Mac’s Unreleased ‘Tango in the Night’ Demo ‘Where We Belong’
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Tango In the Night – Fleetwood Mac (1987)

Lindsey Buckingham, perhaps determined to actually have a solo career this time, walked out shortly before the band’s scheduled tour in support of Tango in the Night. Rick Vito and Billy Burnette were drafted to replace him for the subsequent Tango Tour through 1988. Here is my ultimate compilation in which I've carefully collected, compiled and remastered over the years of being a Fleetwood Mac fan. Explore the tracklist, credits, statistics, and more for Tango In The Night by Fleetwood Mac. Compare versions and buy on Discogs. mick fleetwood en tango in the night. Иконка канала Танцевальная Волна по-Русски.

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